Software developed by RIKEN R-CCS
RIKEN R-CCS is a research center for computational sciences and computer science for simulations with supercomputers, and it hosts Fugaku supercomputer. (RIKEN R-CCS is formerly named RIKEN AICS, renamed in April 2018). R-CCS distributes developed software as open source software.
R-CCS Software Ceter
R-CCS Software Center presents special promotion pages for distinguished software. They are currently:
- FrontFlow/red-HPC: General-purpose thermal fluid modeling software for analyzing large flow fields with complicated geometries, like those arising in studies of gas turbines or automobile aerodynamics.
- OACIS: Job management software for large scale simulations.
- NTChem: Comprehensive software for ab initio quantum chemistry calculations of large and complicated molecular systems.
- SCALE: Basic library for the analysis and simulation of the climate system of the Earth and planets.
- GENESIS: Molecular dynamics and modeling software for biomolecular systems such as proteins, lipids, glycans, and their complexes.
Projects under
Projects distribute their software in organizations (the list is incomplete):
- Fiber Miniapp Suite
- Evidence-Based performance Tuning (EBT-HPC)
- XcalableMP Specification
- Omni compiler
- Extrae
Other projects distribute their software in a common organization at
A64FX_Tuning_Techniques ☆0: Tuning techniques for A64FX processors of Fugaku/FX1000/FX700
axhelm-doc ☆2: Tuning document for Axhelm kernel
baby-modelica ☆5: A simple Modelica frontend (flattener and translator)
bwa ☆0: BWA-MEM on Fujitsu A64FX
DCB ☆0: Dynamic Core Binding
FFTW ☆0: FFTW patch for K computer
fs2020-tapp-kernels ☆0: the collection of important kernel codes from Priority Issue Target Applications
fugaku-api ☆0:
fugaku-singularity-guide ☆0: (A staging repository for github-pages)
gfarm-v2-tools ☆0: Gfarm stupid utility
Graph500-BFS ☆0:
Graph500-SSSP ☆0:
HIVE ☆0: Heterogeneously Integrated Visual-analytic Environment
HIVE-docker ☆0:
hpl-ai ☆14: An HPL-AI implementation for Fugaku
In-situ2DLib ☆1:
kmr ☆9: A map-reduce library for supercomputers
kmrviz ☆1: A visualisation tool for KMR
lens3 ☆1: Lenticularis-S3, a multiplexer to MinIO to service multiple MinIO instances at a single access point.
Lis ☆0: Lis patch for K computer
llvm-project ☆0: The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. Note: the repository does not accept github pull requests at this moment. Please submit your patches at
llvm-sparc64fx ☆10: Code generator patches to LLVM for HPC extensions of Fujitsu SPARC64
MilvusVisor ☆74: A thin-hypervisor that runs on aarch64 CPUs.
mpich ☆0: Official MPICH Repository
mpich-tofu ☆0: MPICH for Tofu interconnect implementation
mpispawner ☆0: MPI Spawner in Static Processes
ondemand_fugaku ☆4: Applications for Open OnDemand
OPEN-WHEEL ☆2: Workflow in Hierarchical distributEd parallEL
- ☆0:
riken_simulator ☆28: This is the git repository for RIKEN simulator designed to simulate the binary code for Fujitsu A64FX.
spack ☆1: A flexible package manager that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.
spark ☆0: A branch for Apache Spark on K
spark-k ☆2: Scripts and Examples for Apache Spark on K
tmblas ☆3:
vlctl ☆0: A utility for ARMv8-A architecture with SVE
WHEEL ☆4: Workflow in Hierarchical distributEd parallEL
WHEEL-materials ☆0: Material collection for convenient use of WHEEL.
xls-parser ☆8:
yasve ☆2: Yet Another ARM SVE Emulator – A simple trap hander of illegal instructions on aarch64