NAME − generates a job-script for kmrrun

SYNOPSIS [-q queue] [-t rsctime] [-e node] [-s shape]
[-p proc] [-d dir] [-n task_proc]
-m mapper [-k kvgenerator] [-r reducer]
[-C] [-R ckptdir] [-S sched] [-w file]

DESCRIPTION generates a job-script that executes kmrrun once for a specified job scheduler. Currently, it supports "Parallelnavi" on K computer and SLURM on FOCUS supercomputer as job schedulers.


The following options are supported:

-q queue, --queue=queue

Specifies a queue to submit the generated job-script.

-t rsctime, --resource-time=rsctime

Specifies time limit in the job resources. This is given by "00:00:00" format. Default is "00:10:00".

-e node, --number-of-exec-node=node

Specifies the number of nodes (processes) to execute. Default is 12.

-s shape, --shape=shape

Specifies the MPI process shape. Valid only on K scheduler. Default is 1.

-p procs, --proc=procs

Specifies the number of MPI processes. Valid only on K scheduler. Default is 8.

-d indir, --inputdir=indir

Specifies the input directory. When used on K computer, this directory should be one located in K global storage that is staged-in. Default is "./input".

-n task_proc, --task-proc=task_proc

Specifies the number of processes to run each mapper and reducer. Default is 1.

-m mapper, --mapper=mapper

Specifies mapper program and its arguments. A mapper program can be a serial or an MPI program.

-k kvgenerator, --kvgen=kvgenerator

Specifies key-value generator program and its arguments. A key-value generator program should be a serial program.

-r reducer, --reducer=reducer

Specifies reducer program and its arguments. A reducer program can be a serial or an MPI program.

-C, -ckpt

Enables checkpoint/restart.

-R ckptdir, --restart-filename=ckptdir

Specifies prefix of directories where checkpoint files are located. This option should be given when restarting on a system that requires staging. Valid only on K scheduler.

-S sched, --scheduler=sched

Specifies a job scheduler. Specify Scheduler ’K’ or ’FOCUS’. ’K’ supports K computer/FX10 and ’FOCUS’ supports Focus supercomputer. Default is ’K’.

-w scrfile, --write-scriptfile=scrfile

Specifies a script output file. Default is STDOUT.


For example, the following script is generated.

$ -q small -e 10 -s 2 -p 2 -d input \
-m pi.mapper -k -r pi.reducer -C -R ckptdir_12345

It will generate the following job script.

#!/bin/bash -x
#PJM --rsc-list "rscgrp=small"
#PJM --rsc-list "elapse=00:10:00"
#PJM --rsc-list "node=10"
#PJM --mpi "shape=2"
#PJM --mpi "proc=2"
#PJM --rsc-list "proc-core=unlimited"
#PJM --stg-transfiles "all"
#PJM --stgin "./kmrrun ./kmrrun"
#PJM --stgin "./pi.mapper ./pi.mapper"
#PJM --stgin "./ ./"
#PJM --stgin "./pi.reducer ./pi.reducer"
#PJM --stgin "./input/* ./input/"
#PJM --stgin "./ckptdir_12345.00000/* ./ckptdir00000/"
#PJM --stgin "./ckptdir_12345.00001/* ./ckptdir00001/"
#PJM --stgin "./ckptdir_12345.00002/* ./ckptdir00002/"
#PJM --stgin "./ckptdir_12345.00003/* ./ckptdir00003/"
#PJM --stgout "./ckptdir00000/* ./ckptdir_%j.00000/"
#PJM --stgout "./ckptdir00001/* ./ckptdir_%j.00001/"
# !!PJM --stgout "./core* ./"

. /work/system/Env_base

mpiexec -n 2 ./kmrrun -n 1 -m "./pi.mapper" -k "./" \
-r "./pi.reducer" --ckpt ./input