Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
kmrimpl.h File Reference

Utilities Private Part (do not include from applications). More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>

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#define KMR_ALIGN(X)   (((X)+((8)-1))&~((8)-1))
 Rounds up a given size to the alignment restriction (currently eight bytes). More...
#define KMR_DEBUGX(X)   ((void)0)
#define KMR_EMPTY
#define kmr_malloc(Z)   kmr_safe_malloc((Z), #Z, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
 Allocates memory, or aborts when failed. More...
#define KMR_MAX_THREADS   200
#define KMR_OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM()   0
#define kmr_realloc(P, Z)   kmr_safe_realloc((P), (Z), #Z, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
 Allocates memory, or aborts when failed. More...
#define KMR_TAG_ATOA   100
#define KMR_TAG_MAP_BY_RANK   200
#define KMR_TAG_PEER_0   400
#define KMR_TAG_PUSHOFF   201
#define KMR_TAG_REQ   399
#define KMR_TRACE_FILE_PREFIX   "kmrlog"
 Prefix to Trace Files. More...
#define xassert(X)


typedef unsigned short kmr_k_position_t[4]
 Positions of node by (X,Y,Z,ABC), with ABC axes collapsed. More...
typedef int(* kmr_qsorter_t) (const void *p, const void *q)
typedef int(* kmr_record_sorter_t) (const struct kmr_keyed_record *p, const struct kmr_keyed_record *q)
typedef int(* kmr_sorter_t) (const struct kmr_kv_box *p, const struct kmr_kv_box *q)


int kmr_add_kv_done_pushoff (KMR_KVS *kvs)
 Marks finished adding key-value pairs, called from kmr_add_kv_done(). More...
int kmr_add_kv_pushoff (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kv_box kv)
 Adds a key-value pair. More...
int kmr_allgatherv (KMR *mr, _Bool rankzeroonly, void *sbuf, long scnt, void *rbuf, long *rcnts, long *rdsps)
 All-gathers data, or gathers data when RANKZEROONLY. More...
int kmr_allocate_block (KMR_KVS *kvs, size_t size)
int kmr_alltoallv (KMR *mr, void *sbuf, long *scounts, long *sdsps, void *rbuf, long *rcounts, long *rdsps)
 Does all-to-all-v, but it takes the arguments by long-integers. More...
static void kmr_assert_i_kvs_ok (KMR_KVS *kvi, _Bool irequired)
static void kmr_assert_i_kvs_ok_at_site (KMR_KVS *kvi, _Bool irequired, struct kmr_code_line *site)
static void kmr_assert_kv_sizes (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kv_box kv)
static void kmr_assert_kvs_ok (KMR_KVS *kvi, KMR_KVS *kvo, _Bool irequired, _Bool orequired)
static void kmr_assert_o_kvs_ok (KMR_KVS *kvo, _Bool orequired)
static void kmr_assert_o_kvs_ok_at_site (KMR_KVS *kvo, _Bool orequired, struct kmr_code_line *site)
int kmr_assert_sorted (KMR_KVS *kvi, _Bool locally, _Bool shuffling, _Bool ranking)
 Checks a key-value stream is sorted. More...
void * kmr_bsearch (const void *key, const void *base, size_t nel, size_t size, int(*compar)(const void *, const void *))
 Searches a key entry like bsearch(3C), but returns a next greater entry instead of null on no match. More...
static _Bool kmr_check_alignment (size_t sz)
static void kmr_check_fn_options (KMR *mr, struct kmr_option provide, struct kmr_option given, const char *func)
int kmr_check_options (KMR *mr, MPI_Info conf)
kmr_sorter_t kmr_choose_sorter (const KMR_KVS *kvs)
void kmr_ckpt_create_context (KMR *)
 Initialize checkpoint context. More...
int kmr_ckpt_disable_ckpt (KMR *)
 It temporally disables checkpoint/restart. More...
int kmr_ckpt_enable_ckpt (KMR *, int)
 It temporally enables checkpoint/restart which has been disabled by calling kmr_ckpt_disable_ckpt(). More...
int kmr_ckpt_enabled (KMR *)
 Check if checkpoint/restart is enabled. More...
long kmr_ckpt_first_unprocessed_kv (KMR *)
 It returns the index of the first unprocessed key-value in the input KVS. More...
void kmr_ckpt_free_context (KMR *)
 Free checkpoint context. More...
void kmr_ckpt_lock_finish (KMR *)
 Define the end position of code region that is referred when restart. More...
void kmr_ckpt_lock_start (KMR *)
 Define the start position of code region that is referred when restart. More...
void kmr_ckpt_progress_fin (KMR *)
 It finalizes the progress of MapReduce checkpointing. More...
int kmr_ckpt_progress_init (KMR_KVS *, KMR_KVS *, struct kmr_option)
 It initializes a progress of MapReduce checkpointing. More...
void kmr_ckpt_remove_ckpt (KMR_KVS *)
 It removes checkpoint data file. More...
void kmr_ckpt_restore_ckpt (KMR_KVS *)
 It restores checkpoint data to kvs. More...
void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_add (KMR *, KMR_KVS *, long)
 It adds a new block of key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file. More...
void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_fin (KMR *, KMR_KVS *)
 It finalizes saving block of key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file. More...
void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_init (KMR *, KMR_KVS *)
 It initializes saving blocks of key-value pairs of the output KVS to a checkpoint data file. More...
void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_add (KMR *, KMR_KVS *, long)
 It adds new key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file. More...
void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_fin (KMR *, KMR_KVS *)
 It finalizes saving indexed key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file. More...
void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_init (KMR *, KMR_KVS *)
 It initializes saving indexed key-value pairs of the output KVS to a checkpoint data file. More...
void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_whole (KMR *, KMR_KVS *)
 It saves all key-value pairs in the output KVS to a checkpoint data file. More...
int kmr_copy_mpi_info (MPI_Info src, MPI_Info dst)
 Copies contents of MPI_Info. More...
static struct kmr_option kmr_copy_options_i_part (struct kmr_option opt)
static struct kmr_option kmr_copy_options_m_part (struct kmr_option opt)
static struct kmr_option kmr_copy_options_o_part (struct kmr_option opt)
static struct kmr_option kmr_copy_s_option (struct kmr_option opt)
long kmr_dblint_ff (double v)
int kmr_dump_mpi_info (char *prefix, MPI_Info info)
 Dumps simply contents in MPI_Info. More...
void kmr_error (KMR *mr, char *m)
void kmr_error2 (KMR *mr, char *m, const char *file, const int line, const char *func)
void kmr_error_at_site (KMR *mr, char *m, struct kmr_code_line *site)
void kmr_error_kvs (KMR *mr, char *m, KMR_KVS *kvs)
void kmr_error_kvs2 (KMR *mr, char *m, KMR_KVS *kvs, const char *file, const int line, const char *func)
void kmr_error_kvs_at_site (KMR *mr, char *m, KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_code_line *site)
void kmr_error_mpi (KMR *mr, char *m, int errorcode)
int kmr_exchange_sizes (KMR *mr, long *sbuf, long *rbuf)
 Calls all-to-all to exchange one long-integer. More...
int kmr_fgetc (FILE *f)
 Does fgetc, avoiding EINTR. More...
static _Bool kmr_fields_pointer_p (KMR_KVS *kvs)
struct kmr_kvs_entrykmr_find_kvs_last_entry (KMR_KVS *kvs)
 Finds the last entry of a key-value stream. More...
unsigned long kmr_fix_bits_endian_ff (unsigned long b)
 Fixes little-endian bits used in Fortran to host-endian. More...
FILE * kmr_fopen (const char *n, const char *m)
 Does fopen, avoiding EINTR. More...
static void kmr_free (void *p, size_t sz)
int kmr_free_kvs_pushoff (KMR_KVS *kvs, _Bool deallocate)
void kmr_free_string (char *s)
 Frees a string strduped. More...
int kmr_gather_sizes (KMR *mr, long siz, long *rbuf)
 Calls all-gather for collecting one long-integer. More...
int kmr_get_key_type_ff (const KMR_KVS *kvs)
int kmr_get_nprocs (const KMR *mr)
int kmr_get_nprocs_ff (const KMR_KVS *kvs)
int kmr_get_rank (const KMR *mr)
int kmr_get_rank_ff (const KMR_KVS *kvs)
int kmr_get_spawner_communicator_ff (KMR *mr, long i, int *comm)
int kmr_get_value_type_ff (const KMR_KVS *kvs)
int kmr_getdtablesize (KMR *mr)
 Does getdtablesize(); it is defined, because it is not Posix. More...
int kmr_imax_one_fn (const struct kmr_kv_box kv[], const long n, const KMR_KVS *kvi, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *p)
void kmr_init_kvs_oncore (KMR_KVS *kvs, KMR *mr)
int kmr_install_watch_program (KMR *mr, char *msg)
double kmr_intdbl_ff (long v)
void * kmr_intptr_ff (long p)
int kmr_intstr_ff (long p, char *s, int n)
 Fills the character array S by the contents at the pointer value integer P by the length N. More...
int kmr_iogroup_distance (int a0, int a1)
int kmr_iogroup_of_node (KMR *mr)
 Returns an I/O-group (an integer key) of a compute node. More...
int kmr_iogroup_of_obd (int obdidx)
 Returns an I/O-group (an integer key) of a disk from an OBDIDX of Lustre file-system. More...
void kmr_isort (void *a, size_t n, size_t es, int depth)
 Sorts by comparator on long integers. More...
int kmr_isum_one_fn (const struct kmr_kv_box kv[], const long n, const KMR_KVS *kvi, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *p)
int kmr_k_node (KMR *mr, kmr_k_position_t p)
 Gets TOFU position (physical coordinates) of the node. More...
static _Bool kmr_key_pointer_p (KMR_KVS *kvs)
static size_t kmr_kv_key_size (const KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kv_box kv)
static size_t kmr_kv_value_size (const KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kv_box kv)
static struct kmr_kvs_entrykmr_kvs_adding_point (struct kmr_kvs_block *b)
static struct kmr_kvs_entrykmr_kvs_entry_at (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_block *b, size_t bytes)
static _Bool kmr_kvs_entry_fits_in_block (KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_kvs_block *b, size_t sz)
static size_t kmr_kvs_entry_netsize (const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e)
static size_t kmr_kvs_entry_netsize_of_box (const struct kmr_kv_box kv)
static size_t kmr_kvs_entry_size (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e)
static size_t kmr_kvs_entry_size_of_box (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kv_box kv)
static _Bool kmr_kvs_entry_tail_p (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e)
static struct kmr_kvs_blockkmr_kvs_first_block (KMR_KVS *kvs)
static struct kmr_kvs_entrykmr_kvs_first_entry (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_block *b)
static void kmr_kvs_insert_block (KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_kvs_block *b)
static struct kmr_kvs_entrykmr_kvs_last_entry_limit (const KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_block *b)
static void kmr_kvs_mark_entry_tail (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e)
static struct kmr_kvs_entrykmr_kvs_next (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e, _Bool bound_in_block)
static struct kmr_kvs_entrykmr_kvs_next_entry (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e)
static void kmr_kvs_reset_block (KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_kvs_block *b, size_t size, size_t netsize)
static void kmr_link_kvs (KMR_KVS *kvs)
int kmr_load_preference (KMR *mr, MPI_Info info)
int kmr_load_properties (MPI_Info conf, char *filename)
 Loads properties into MPI_Info (in Latin1 characters). More...
void kmr_log_map (KMR *mr, KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_kv_box *ev, long i, long cnt, kmr_mapfn_t m, double dt)
void kmr_log_reduce (KMR *mr, KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_kv_box *ev, long n, kmr_redfn_t r, double dt)
int kmr_make_printable_argv_string (char *s, size_t sz, char **argv)
 Fills the string buffer with the argv strings for printing. More...
int kmr_make_printable_info_string (char *s, size_t sz, MPI_Info info)
 Fills the string buffer with the MPI_Info strings for printing. More...
int kmr_map_via_spawn_ff (KMR_KVS *kvi, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *arg, int finfo, struct kmr_spawn_option opt, kmr_mapfn_t m)
void kmr_mfree (void *p, size_t sz)
uint64_t kmr_mpi_constant_value (char *s)
size_t kmr_mpi_type_size (char *s)
int kmr_msleep (int msec, int interval)
static size_t kmr_ntuple_data_offset (int n)
static int kmr_ntuple_entry_size (int len)
static void * kmr_ntuple_insertion_point (struct kmr_ntuple *u)
static size_t kmr_ntuple_nth_offset (struct kmr_ntuple *u, int nth)
void kmr_open_log (KMR *mr)
int kmr_pairing_fn (const struct kmr_kv_box kv, const KMR_KVS *kvi, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *p, const long i)
int kmr_parse_boolean (char *s, int *r)
int kmr_parse_int (char *s, int *r)
static struct kmr_kv_box kmr_pick_kv (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e, KMR_KVS *kvs)
 Returns a handle to a key-value entry – a reverse of kmr_poke_kv(). More...
static struct kmr_kv_box kmr_pick_kv2 (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e, enum kmr_kv_field keyf, enum kmr_kv_field valf)
int kmr_pitch_rank (const struct kmr_kv_box kv, KMR_KVS *kvs)
static union kmr_unit_sizedkmr_point_key (const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e)
static union kmr_unit_sizedkmr_point_value (const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e)
static void kmr_poke_kv (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e, const struct kmr_kv_box kv, struct kmr_kv_box *xkv, const KMR_KVS *kvs, _Bool reserve_space_only)
 Stores a key-value pair at the entry E in the store – a reverse of kmr_pick_kv(). More...
static void kmr_poke_kv2 (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e, const struct kmr_kv_box kv, struct kmr_kv_box *xkv, enum kmr_kv_field keyf, enum kmr_kv_field valf, _Bool reserve_space_only)
void kmr_print_file_options (struct kmr_file_option opt)
void kmr_print_options (struct kmr_option opt)
void kmr_print_spawn_options (struct kmr_spawn_option opt)
void kmr_print_string (char *msg, char *s, int len)
long kmr_ptrint_ff (void *p)
char * kmr_ptrstr_ff (char *s)
int kmr_pushoff_make_stationary (KMR_KVS *kvs)
int kmr_reverse_fn (const struct kmr_kv_box kv, const KMR_KVS *kvs, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *p, const long i)
static void * kmr_safe_malloc (size_t s, char *szexpr, const char *file, const int line, const char *func)
static void * kmr_safe_realloc (void *q, size_t s, char *szexpr, const char *file, const int line, const char *func)
int kmr_scan_argv_strings (KMR *mr, char *s, size_t len, int arglim, int *argc, char **argv, _Bool wssep, char *msg)
int kmr_set_option_by_strings (KMR *mr, char *k, char *v)
static _Bool kmr_shuffle_compatible_data_p (enum kmr_kv_field d0, enum kmr_kv_field d1)
static _Bool kmr_shuffle_compatible_p (KMR_KVS *s0, KMR_KVS *s1)
signed long kmr_stable_key (const struct kmr_kv_box kv, const KMR_KVS *kvs)
void * kmr_strdup (char *s)
 STRDUP, but aborts on failure. More...
void kmr_string_truncation (KMR *mr, size_t sz, char *s)
 Modifies the string end with by "..." for indicating truncation, used on the result of snprintf. More...
char * kmr_stringify_file_options (struct kmr_file_option o)
 Returns a print string of a single option, to check the bits are properly encoded in foreign language interfaces. More...
char * kmr_stringify_options (struct kmr_option o)
 Returns a print string of a single option, to check the bits are properly encoded in foreign language interfaces. More...
char * kmr_stringify_spawn_options (struct kmr_spawn_option o)
 Returns a print string of a single option, to check the bits are properly encoded in foreign language interfaces. More...
long kmr_strint_ff (char *p)
char * kmr_strptr_ff (char *s)
 Returns itself; this is for Fortran-binding. More...
static long kmr_tick ()
 Returns the clock counter value. More...
static enum kmr_kv_field kmr_unit_sized_or_opaque (enum kmr_kv_field data)
static _Bool kmr_unit_sized_p (enum kmr_kv_field data)
static enum kmr_kv_field kmr_unit_sized_with_unmanaged (enum kmr_kv_field data)
int kmr_unpairing_fn (const struct kmr_kv_box kv, const KMR_KVS *kvs, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *p, const long i)
static _Bool kmr_value_pointer_p (KMR_KVS *kvs)
void kmr_warning (KMR *mr, unsigned int mask, char *m)
double kmr_wtime (void)


int kmr_kv_field_bad
int kmr_kv_field_cstring
int kmr_kv_field_float8
int kmr_kv_field_integer
int kmr_kv_field_opaque
int kmr_kv_field_pointer_owned
int kmr_kv_field_pointer_unmanaged

Detailed Description

Utilities Private Part (do not include from applications).

Definition in file kmrimpl.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define KMR_ALIGN (   X)    (((X)+((8)-1))&~((8)-1))

Rounds up a given size to the alignment restriction (currently eight bytes).

Definition at line 75 of file kmrimpl.h.


#define KMR_TRACE_FILE_PREFIX   "kmrlog"

Prefix to Trace Files.

Definition at line 101 of file kmrimpl.h.

◆ xassert

#define xassert (   X)
((X) \
? (void)(0) \
: (fprintf(stderr, \
"%s:%d: %s: Assertion '%s' failed.\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, #X), \
(void)MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1)))

Definition at line 107 of file kmrimpl.h.

◆ kmr_malloc

#define kmr_malloc (   Z)    kmr_safe_malloc((Z), #Z, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)

Allocates memory, or aborts when failed.

Definition at line 177 of file kmrimpl.h.

◆ kmr_realloc

#define kmr_realloc (   P,
)    kmr_safe_realloc((P), (Z), #Z, __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)

Allocates memory, or aborts when failed.

Definition at line 181 of file kmrimpl.h.


if (A . NAME < B . NAME) { \
char ee[80]; \
snprintf(ee, sizeof(ee), \
"%s() does not support '" # NAME "' option", func); \
kmr_error(mr, ee); \

Definition at line 949 of file kmrimpl.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ kmr_k_position_t

typedef unsigned short kmr_k_position_t[4]

Positions of node by (X,Y,Z,ABC), with ABC axes collapsed.

Definition at line 126 of file kmrimpl.h.

Function Documentation

◆ kmr_tick()

static long kmr_tick ( )

Returns the clock counter value.

(See for well-written information on tick counters: "__thread" is only needed for an old compiler on K.

Definition at line 135 of file kmrimpl.h.

◆ kmr_string_truncation()

void kmr_string_truncation ( KMR mr,
size_t  sz,
char *  s 

Modifies the string end with by "..." for indicating truncation, used on the result of snprintf.

Definition at line 193 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_pick_kv()

static struct kmr_kv_box kmr_pick_kv ( struct kmr_kvs_entry e,
KMR_KVS kvs 

Returns a handle to a key-value entry – a reverse of kmr_poke_kv().

An entry does not know its data-types but they are taken from a key-value stream KVS.

Definition at line 551 of file kmrimpl.h.

◆ kmr_poke_kv()

static void kmr_poke_kv ( struct kmr_kvs_entry e,
const struct kmr_kv_box  kv,
struct kmr_kv_box xkv,
const KMR_KVS kvs,
_Bool  reserve_space_only 

Stores a key-value pair at the entry E in the store – a reverse of kmr_pick_kv().

A key-value pair does not know its data-types but they are taken from a key-value stream. It modifies kmr_kv_box XKV (when non-null) to return the pointer to the opaque field when a key or a value is opaque. It does not move actual data when RESERVE_SPACE_ONLY=1.

Definition at line 599 of file kmrimpl.h.

◆ kmr_k_node()

int kmr_k_node ( KMR mr,
kmr_k_position_t  p 

Gets TOFU position (physical coordinates) of the node.

Errors are fatal (aborts).

Definition at line 445 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_strptr_ff()

char* kmr_strptr_ff ( char *  s)

Returns itself; this is for Fortran-binding.

Definition at line 208 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_intstr_ff()

int kmr_intstr_ff ( long  p,
char *  s,
int  n 

Fills the character array S by the contents at the pointer value integer P by the length N.

It returns the string length in C limited by N.

Definition at line 257 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_fix_bits_endian_ff()

unsigned long kmr_fix_bits_endian_ff ( unsigned long  b)

Fixes little-endian bits used in Fortran to host-endian.

Definition at line 284 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_add_kv_pushoff()

int kmr_add_kv_pushoff ( KMR_KVS kvs,
const struct kmr_kv_box  kv 

Adds a key-value pair.

It is called from inside a mutex (OMP critical). It first stores a KV into a buffer, and then sends the buffer when it gets full. It sends an empty message as an end-of-stream marker. IT POLLS MESSAGES TOO OFTEN OR TOO SELDOM.

Definition at line 460 of file kmraltkvs.c.

◆ kmr_add_kv_done_pushoff()

int kmr_add_kv_done_pushoff ( KMR_KVS kvs)

Marks finished adding key-value pairs, called from kmr_add_kv_done().

It flushes pending buffers and it is a collective operation in effect.

Definition at line 555 of file kmraltkvs.c.

◆ kmr_load_properties()

int kmr_load_properties ( MPI_Info  info,
char *  filename 

Loads properties into MPI_Info (in Latin1 characters).

It runs only on the main-thread. It returns MPI_SUCCESS normally. It stores only Latin1 strings because MPI_Info does. Refer to the JDK document "java.util.Properties.load()" for the ".properties" format.

Definition at line 2020 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_copy_mpi_info()

int kmr_copy_mpi_info ( MPI_Info  src,
MPI_Info  dst 

Copies contents of MPI_Info.

The destination info is modified.

Definition at line 2408 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_dump_mpi_info()

int kmr_dump_mpi_info ( char *  prefix,
MPI_Info  info 

Dumps simply contents in MPI_Info.

Definition at line 2382 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_isort()

void kmr_isort ( void *  A,
const size_t  N,
const size_t  ES,
int  depth 

Sorts by comparator on long integers.

The target array is of "struct kmr_isort_entry". DEPTH tells how deep OMP threading is enabled (using tasks), and it is decremented by one each recursion. Zero depth tells a sequential run.

Definition at line 292 of file kmrisort.c.

◆ kmr_bsearch()

void* kmr_bsearch ( const void *  key,
const void *  base,
size_t  nel,
size_t  size,
int(*)(const void *, const void *)  compar 

Searches a key entry like bsearch(3C), but returns a next greater entry instead of null on no match.

Thus, it may return a pointer ((char *)base+(nel*size)) when a key is larger than all.

Definition at line 569 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_assert_sorted()

int kmr_assert_sorted ( KMR_KVS kvi,
_Bool  locally,
_Bool  shuffling,
_Bool  ranking 

Checks a key-value stream is sorted.

When not LOCALLY, it collects all the entries to rank-zero for checking.

Definition at line 717 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_find_kvs_last_entry()

struct kmr_kvs_entry* kmr_find_kvs_last_entry ( KMR_KVS kvs)

Finds the last entry of a key-value stream.

It returns null when a key-value stream is empty. It sequentially scans all the entries and slow.

Definition at line 2817 of file kmrbase.c.

◆ kmr_exchange_sizes()

int kmr_exchange_sizes ( KMR mr,
long *  sbuf,
long *  rbuf 

Calls all-to-all to exchange one long-integer.

Definition at line 50 of file kmratoa.c.

◆ kmr_alltoallv()

int kmr_alltoallv ( KMR mr,
void *  sbuf,
long *  scnts,
long *  sdsps,
void *  rbuf,
long *  rcnts,
long *  rdsps 

Does all-to-all-v, but it takes the arguments by long-integers.

It switches the methods with regard to the size of the largest message among the ranks. Setting ATOA_THRESHOLD=0 forces to use MPI all-to-all-v. It switches to a naive implementation of all-to-all-v when the sizes of messages are very large (larger than 16GB).

Definition at line 124 of file kmratoa.c.

◆ kmr_gather_sizes()

int kmr_gather_sizes ( KMR mr,
long  siz,
long *  rbuf 

Calls all-gather for collecting one long-integer.

Definition at line 62 of file kmratoa.c.

◆ kmr_allgatherv()

int kmr_allgatherv ( KMR mr,
_Bool  rankzeroonly,
void *  sbuf,
long  scnt,
void *  rbuf,
long *  rcnts,
long *  rdsps 

All-gathers data, or gathers data when RANKZEROONLY.

Definition at line 74 of file kmratoa.c.

◆ kmr_iogroup_of_node()

int kmr_iogroup_of_node ( KMR mr)

Returns an I/O-group (an integer key) of a compute node.

Definition at line 106 of file kmrfiles.c.

◆ kmr_iogroup_of_obd()

int kmr_iogroup_of_obd ( int  obdidx)

Returns an I/O-group (an integer key) of a disk from an OBDIDX of Lustre file-system.

It uses magic expressions (x=obdidx/2048) and (y=(obdidx%2048)/64).

Definition at line 120 of file kmrfiles.c.

◆ kmr_strdup()

void* kmr_strdup ( char *  s)

STRDUP, but aborts on failure.

Definition at line 596 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_free_string()

void kmr_free_string ( char *  s)

Frees a string strduped.

Definition at line 611 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_fopen()

FILE* kmr_fopen ( const char *  n,
const char *  m 

Does fopen, avoiding EINTR.

Definition at line 625 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_fgetc()

int kmr_fgetc ( FILE *  f)

Does fgetc, avoiding EINTR.

Definition at line 637 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_getdtablesize()

int kmr_getdtablesize ( KMR mr)

Does getdtablesize(); it is defined, because it is not Posix.

Definition at line 650 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_stringify_options()

char* kmr_stringify_options ( struct kmr_option  o)

Returns a print string of a single option, to check the bits are properly encoded in foreign language interfaces.

Definition at line 361 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_stringify_file_options()

char* kmr_stringify_file_options ( struct kmr_file_option  o)

Returns a print string of a single option, to check the bits are properly encoded in foreign language interfaces.

Definition at line 386 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_stringify_spawn_options()

char* kmr_stringify_spawn_options ( struct kmr_spawn_option  o)

Returns a print string of a single option, to check the bits are properly encoded in foreign language interfaces.

Definition at line 405 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_make_printable_argv_string()

int kmr_make_printable_argv_string ( char *  s,
size_t  sz,
char **  argv 

Fills the string buffer with the argv strings for printing.

Definition at line 1859 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_make_printable_info_string()

int kmr_make_printable_info_string ( char *  s,
size_t  sz,
MPI_Info  info 

Fills the string buffer with the MPI_Info strings for printing.

Definition at line 1884 of file kmrutil.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_create_context()

void kmr_ckpt_create_context ( KMR mr)

Initialize checkpoint context.

This function should be called only once when MapReduce data type is initialized.

[in]mrMapReduce data type

Definition at line 119 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_free_context()

void kmr_ckpt_free_context ( KMR mr)

Free checkpoint context.

This function should be called only once when MapReduce data type is freed.

[in]mrMapReduce data type

Definition at line 162 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_enabled()

int kmr_ckpt_enabled ( KMR mr)

Check if checkpoint/restart is enabled.

[in]mrMapReduce data type
It returns 1 if checkpoint/restart is enabled. Otherwise it returns 0.

Definition at line 2479 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_disable_ckpt()

int kmr_ckpt_disable_ckpt ( KMR mr)

It temporally disables checkpoint/restart.

[in]mrMapReduce data type
If it succeeds disabling, it returns a lock id. Otherwise it returns 0.

Definition at line 2495 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_enable_ckpt()

int kmr_ckpt_enable_ckpt ( KMR mr,
int  lock_id 

It temporally enables checkpoint/restart which has been disabled by calling kmr_ckpt_disable_ckpt().

[in]mrMapReduce data type
[in]lock_idID of lock returned by kmr_ckpt_disable_ckpt()
If it succeeds enabling, it returns 1. Otherwise it returns 0.

Definition at line 2516 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_restore_ckpt()

void kmr_ckpt_restore_ckpt ( KMR_KVS kvs)

It restores checkpoint data to kvs.

[out]kvsan KVS where the checkpoint data will be restored

Definition at line 2558 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_remove_ckpt()

void kmr_ckpt_remove_ckpt ( KMR_KVS kvs)

It removes checkpoint data file.

[in]kvsKVS whose checkpoint data is removed

Definition at line 2613 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_whole()

void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_whole ( KMR mr,
KMR_KVS kvo 

It saves all key-value pairs in the output KVS to a checkpoint data file.

[in]kviinput KVS
[in]kvooutput KVS

Definition at line 2639 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_init()

void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_init ( KMR mr,
KMR_KVS kvo 

It initializes saving blocks of key-value pairs of the output KVS to a checkpoint data file.

[in]mrMapReduce data type
[in]kvooutput KVS

Definition at line 2655 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_add()

void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_add ( KMR mr,
KMR_KVS kvo,
long  nkvi 

It adds a new block of key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file.

[in]mrMapReduce data type
[in]kvooutput KVS
[in]nkvinumber of processed kv in the input KVS

Definition at line 2671 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_fin()

void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_fin ( KMR mr,
KMR_KVS kvo 

It finalizes saving block of key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file.

[in]mrMapReduce data type
[in]kvooutput KVS

Definition at line 2686 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_init()

void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_init ( KMR mr,
KMR_KVS kvo 

It initializes saving indexed key-value pairs of the output KVS to a checkpoint data file.

[in]mrMapReduce data type
[in]kvooutput KVS

Definition at line 2704 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_add()

void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_add ( KMR mr,
KMR_KVS kvo,
long  ikv_index 

It adds new key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file.

[in]mrMapReduce data type
[in]kvooutput KVS
[in]ikv_indexindex of processed kv in the input KVS

Definition at line 2719 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_fin()

void kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_fin ( KMR mr,
KMR_KVS kvo 

It finalizes saving indexed key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file.

[in]mrMapReduce data type
[in]kvooutput KVS

Definition at line 2734 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_lock_start()

void kmr_ckpt_lock_start ( KMR mr)

Define the start position of code region that is referred when restart.

If an execution is stopped due to an error in this region, restart with the different number of processes is not allowed.

[in]mrMapReduce data type

Definition at line 1934 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_lock_finish()

void kmr_ckpt_lock_finish ( KMR mr)

Define the end position of code region that is referred when restart.

If an execution is stopped due to an error in this region, restart with the different number of processes is not allowed.

[in]mrMapReduce data type

Definition at line 1945 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_progress_init()

int kmr_ckpt_progress_init ( KMR_KVS kvi,
KMR_KVS kvo,
struct kmr_option  opt 

It initializes a progress of MapReduce checkpointing.

[in]kviinput KVS to a MapReduce operation
[in]kvooutput KVS to the MapReduce operation
[in]optstruct kmr_option
It returns 1 if operation can be skipped. Otherwise it returns 0.

Definition at line 2754 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_progress_fin()

void kmr_ckpt_progress_fin ( KMR mr)

It finalizes the progress of MapReduce checkpointing.

[in]mrMapReduce data type

Definition at line 2846 of file kmrckpt.c.

◆ kmr_ckpt_first_unprocessed_kv()

long kmr_ckpt_first_unprocessed_kv ( KMR mr)

It returns the index of the first unprocessed key-value in the input KVS.

[in]mrMapReduce data type
It returns the index of the first unprocessed key-value in the input KVS.

Definition at line 2536 of file kmrckpt.c.