int | kmr_add_kv_done_pushoff (KMR_KVS *kvs) |
| Marks finished adding key-value pairs, called from kmr_add_kv_done(). More...
int | kmr_add_kv_pushoff (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kv_box kv) |
| Adds a key-value pair. More...
int | kmr_allgatherv (KMR *mr, _Bool rankzeroonly, void *sbuf, long scnt, void *rbuf, long *rcnts, long *rdsps) |
| All-gathers data, or gathers data when RANKZEROONLY. More...
int | kmr_allocate_block (KMR_KVS *kvs, size_t size) |
int | kmr_alltoallv (KMR *mr, void *sbuf, long *scounts, long *sdsps, void *rbuf, long *rcounts, long *rdsps) |
| Does all-to-all-v, but it takes the arguments by long-integers. More...
static void | kmr_assert_i_kvs_ok (KMR_KVS *kvi, _Bool irequired) |
static void | kmr_assert_i_kvs_ok_at_site (KMR_KVS *kvi, _Bool irequired, struct kmr_code_line *site) |
static void | kmr_assert_kv_sizes (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kv_box kv) |
static void | kmr_assert_kvs_ok (KMR_KVS *kvi, KMR_KVS *kvo, _Bool irequired, _Bool orequired) |
static void | kmr_assert_o_kvs_ok (KMR_KVS *kvo, _Bool orequired) |
static void | kmr_assert_o_kvs_ok_at_site (KMR_KVS *kvo, _Bool orequired, struct kmr_code_line *site) |
int | kmr_assert_sorted (KMR_KVS *kvi, _Bool locally, _Bool shuffling, _Bool ranking) |
| Checks a key-value stream is sorted. More...
void * | kmr_bsearch (const void *key, const void *base, size_t nel, size_t size, int(*compar)(const void *, const void *)) |
| Searches a key entry like bsearch(3C), but returns a next greater entry instead of null on no match. More...
static _Bool | kmr_check_alignment (size_t sz) |
static void | kmr_check_fn_options (KMR *mr, struct kmr_option provide, struct kmr_option given, const char *func) |
int | kmr_check_options (KMR *mr, MPI_Info conf) |
kmr_sorter_t | kmr_choose_sorter (const KMR_KVS *kvs) |
void | kmr_ckpt_create_context (KMR *) |
| Initialize checkpoint context. More...
int | kmr_ckpt_disable_ckpt (KMR *) |
| It temporally disables checkpoint/restart. More...
int | kmr_ckpt_enable_ckpt (KMR *, int) |
| It temporally enables checkpoint/restart which has been disabled by calling kmr_ckpt_disable_ckpt(). More...
int | kmr_ckpt_enabled (KMR *) |
| Check if checkpoint/restart is enabled. More...
long | kmr_ckpt_first_unprocessed_kv (KMR *) |
| It returns the index of the first unprocessed key-value in the input KVS. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_free_context (KMR *) |
| Free checkpoint context. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_lock_finish (KMR *) |
| Define the end position of code region that is referred when restart. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_lock_start (KMR *) |
| Define the start position of code region that is referred when restart. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_progress_fin (KMR *) |
| It finalizes the progress of MapReduce checkpointing. More...
int | kmr_ckpt_progress_init (KMR_KVS *, KMR_KVS *, struct kmr_option) |
| It initializes a progress of MapReduce checkpointing. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_remove_ckpt (KMR_KVS *) |
| It removes checkpoint data file. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_restore_ckpt (KMR_KVS *) |
| It restores checkpoint data to kvs. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_add (KMR *, KMR_KVS *, long) |
| It adds a new block of key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_fin (KMR *, KMR_KVS *) |
| It finalizes saving block of key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_block_init (KMR *, KMR_KVS *) |
| It initializes saving blocks of key-value pairs of the output KVS to a checkpoint data file. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_add (KMR *, KMR_KVS *, long) |
| It adds new key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_fin (KMR *, KMR_KVS *) |
| It finalizes saving indexed key-value pairs of the output KVS to the checkpoint data file. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_each_init (KMR *, KMR_KVS *) |
| It initializes saving indexed key-value pairs of the output KVS to a checkpoint data file. More...
void | kmr_ckpt_save_kvo_whole (KMR *, KMR_KVS *) |
| It saves all key-value pairs in the output KVS to a checkpoint data file. More...
int | kmr_copy_mpi_info (MPI_Info src, MPI_Info dst) |
| Copies contents of MPI_Info. More...
static struct kmr_option | kmr_copy_options_i_part (struct kmr_option opt) |
static struct kmr_option | kmr_copy_options_m_part (struct kmr_option opt) |
static struct kmr_option | kmr_copy_options_o_part (struct kmr_option opt) |
static struct kmr_option | kmr_copy_s_option (struct kmr_option opt) |
long | kmr_dblint_ff (double v) |
int | kmr_dump_mpi_info (char *prefix, MPI_Info info) |
| Dumps simply contents in MPI_Info. More...
void | kmr_error (KMR *mr, char *m) |
void | kmr_error2 (KMR *mr, char *m, const char *file, const int line, const char *func) |
void | kmr_error_at_site (KMR *mr, char *m, struct kmr_code_line *site) |
void | kmr_error_kvs (KMR *mr, char *m, KMR_KVS *kvs) |
void | kmr_error_kvs2 (KMR *mr, char *m, KMR_KVS *kvs, const char *file, const int line, const char *func) |
void | kmr_error_kvs_at_site (KMR *mr, char *m, KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_code_line *site) |
void | kmr_error_mpi (KMR *mr, char *m, int errorcode) |
int | kmr_exchange_sizes (KMR *mr, long *sbuf, long *rbuf) |
| Calls all-to-all to exchange one long-integer. More...
int | kmr_fgetc (FILE *f) |
| Does fgetc, avoiding EINTR. More...
static _Bool | kmr_fields_pointer_p (KMR_KVS *kvs) |
struct kmr_kvs_entry * | kmr_find_kvs_last_entry (KMR_KVS *kvs) |
| Finds the last entry of a key-value stream. More...
unsigned long | kmr_fix_bits_endian_ff (unsigned long b) |
| Fixes little-endian bits used in Fortran to host-endian. More...
FILE * | kmr_fopen (const char *n, const char *m) |
| Does fopen, avoiding EINTR. More...
static void | kmr_free (void *p, size_t sz) |
int | kmr_free_kvs_pushoff (KMR_KVS *kvs, _Bool deallocate) |
void | kmr_free_string (char *s) |
| Frees a string strduped. More...
int | kmr_gather_sizes (KMR *mr, long siz, long *rbuf) |
| Calls all-gather for collecting one long-integer. More...
int | kmr_get_key_type_ff (const KMR_KVS *kvs) |
int | kmr_get_nprocs (const KMR *mr) |
int | kmr_get_nprocs_ff (const KMR_KVS *kvs) |
int | kmr_get_rank (const KMR *mr) |
int | kmr_get_rank_ff (const KMR_KVS *kvs) |
int | kmr_get_spawner_communicator_ff (KMR *mr, long i, int *comm) |
int | kmr_get_value_type_ff (const KMR_KVS *kvs) |
int | kmr_getdtablesize (KMR *mr) |
| Does getdtablesize(); it is defined, because it is not Posix. More...
int | kmr_imax_one_fn (const struct kmr_kv_box kv[], const long n, const KMR_KVS *kvi, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *p) |
void | kmr_init_kvs_oncore (KMR_KVS *kvs, KMR *mr) |
int | kmr_install_watch_program (KMR *mr, char *msg) |
double | kmr_intdbl_ff (long v) |
void * | kmr_intptr_ff (long p) |
int | kmr_intstr_ff (long p, char *s, int n) |
| Fills the character array S by the contents at the pointer value integer P by the length N. More...
int | kmr_iogroup_distance (int a0, int a1) |
int | kmr_iogroup_of_node (KMR *mr) |
| Returns an I/O-group (an integer key) of a compute node. More...
int | kmr_iogroup_of_obd (int obdidx) |
| Returns an I/O-group (an integer key) of a disk from an OBDIDX of Lustre file-system. More...
void | kmr_isort (void *a, size_t n, size_t es, int depth) |
| Sorts by comparator on long integers. More...
int | kmr_isum_one_fn (const struct kmr_kv_box kv[], const long n, const KMR_KVS *kvi, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *p) |
int | kmr_k_node (KMR *mr, kmr_k_position_t p) |
| Gets TOFU position (physical coordinates) of the node. More...
static _Bool | kmr_key_pointer_p (KMR_KVS *kvs) |
static size_t | kmr_kv_key_size (const KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kv_box kv) |
static size_t | kmr_kv_value_size (const KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kv_box kv) |
static struct kmr_kvs_entry * | kmr_kvs_adding_point (struct kmr_kvs_block *b) |
static struct kmr_kvs_entry * | kmr_kvs_entry_at (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_block *b, size_t bytes) |
static _Bool | kmr_kvs_entry_fits_in_block (KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_kvs_block *b, size_t sz) |
static size_t | kmr_kvs_entry_netsize (const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e) |
static size_t | kmr_kvs_entry_netsize_of_box (const struct kmr_kv_box kv) |
static size_t | kmr_kvs_entry_size (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e) |
static size_t | kmr_kvs_entry_size_of_box (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kv_box kv) |
static _Bool | kmr_kvs_entry_tail_p (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e) |
static struct kmr_kvs_block * | kmr_kvs_first_block (KMR_KVS *kvs) |
static struct kmr_kvs_entry * | kmr_kvs_first_entry (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_block *b) |
static void | kmr_kvs_insert_block (KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_kvs_block *b) |
static struct kmr_kvs_entry * | kmr_kvs_last_entry_limit (const KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_block *b) |
static void | kmr_kvs_mark_entry_tail (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e) |
static struct kmr_kvs_entry * | kmr_kvs_next (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e, _Bool bound_in_block) |
static struct kmr_kvs_entry * | kmr_kvs_next_entry (KMR_KVS *kvs, const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e) |
static void | kmr_kvs_reset_block (KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_kvs_block *b, size_t size, size_t netsize) |
static void | kmr_link_kvs (KMR_KVS *kvs) |
int | kmr_load_preference (KMR *mr, MPI_Info info) |
int | kmr_load_properties (MPI_Info conf, char *filename) |
| Loads properties into MPI_Info (in Latin1 characters). More...
void | kmr_log_map (KMR *mr, KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_kv_box *ev, long i, long cnt, kmr_mapfn_t m, double dt) |
void | kmr_log_reduce (KMR *mr, KMR_KVS *kvs, struct kmr_kv_box *ev, long n, kmr_redfn_t r, double dt) |
int | kmr_make_printable_argv_string (char *s, size_t sz, char **argv) |
| Fills the string buffer with the argv strings for printing. More...
int | kmr_make_printable_info_string (char *s, size_t sz, MPI_Info info) |
| Fills the string buffer with the MPI_Info strings for printing. More...
int | kmr_map_via_spawn_ff (KMR_KVS *kvi, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *arg, int finfo, struct kmr_spawn_option opt, kmr_mapfn_t m) |
void | kmr_mfree (void *p, size_t sz) |
uint64_t | kmr_mpi_constant_value (char *s) |
size_t | kmr_mpi_type_size (char *s) |
int | kmr_msleep (int msec, int interval) |
static size_t | kmr_ntuple_data_offset (int n) |
static int | kmr_ntuple_entry_size (int len) |
static void * | kmr_ntuple_insertion_point (struct kmr_ntuple *u) |
static size_t | kmr_ntuple_nth_offset (struct kmr_ntuple *u, int nth) |
void | kmr_open_log (KMR *mr) |
int | kmr_pairing_fn (const struct kmr_kv_box kv, const KMR_KVS *kvi, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *p, const long i) |
int | kmr_parse_boolean (char *s, int *r) |
int | kmr_parse_int (char *s, int *r) |
static struct kmr_kv_box | kmr_pick_kv (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e, KMR_KVS *kvs) |
| Returns a handle to a key-value entry – a reverse of kmr_poke_kv(). More...
static struct kmr_kv_box | kmr_pick_kv2 (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e, enum kmr_kv_field keyf, enum kmr_kv_field valf) |
int | kmr_pitch_rank (const struct kmr_kv_box kv, KMR_KVS *kvs) |
static union kmr_unit_sized * | kmr_point_key (const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e) |
static union kmr_unit_sized * | kmr_point_value (const struct kmr_kvs_entry *e) |
static void | kmr_poke_kv (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e, const struct kmr_kv_box kv, struct kmr_kv_box *xkv, const KMR_KVS *kvs, _Bool reserve_space_only) |
| Stores a key-value pair at the entry E in the store – a reverse of kmr_pick_kv(). More...
static void | kmr_poke_kv2 (struct kmr_kvs_entry *e, const struct kmr_kv_box kv, struct kmr_kv_box *xkv, enum kmr_kv_field keyf, enum kmr_kv_field valf, _Bool reserve_space_only) |
void | kmr_print_file_options (struct kmr_file_option opt) |
void | kmr_print_options (struct kmr_option opt) |
void | kmr_print_spawn_options (struct kmr_spawn_option opt) |
void | kmr_print_string (char *msg, char *s, int len) |
long | kmr_ptrint_ff (void *p) |
char * | kmr_ptrstr_ff (char *s) |
int | kmr_pushoff_make_stationary (KMR_KVS *kvs) |
int | kmr_reverse_fn (const struct kmr_kv_box kv, const KMR_KVS *kvs, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *p, const long i) |
static void * | kmr_safe_malloc (size_t s, char *szexpr, const char *file, const int line, const char *func) |
static void * | kmr_safe_realloc (void *q, size_t s, char *szexpr, const char *file, const int line, const char *func) |
int | kmr_scan_argv_strings (KMR *mr, char *s, size_t len, int arglim, int *argc, char **argv, _Bool wssep, char *msg) |
int | kmr_set_option_by_strings (KMR *mr, char *k, char *v) |
static _Bool | kmr_shuffle_compatible_data_p (enum kmr_kv_field d0, enum kmr_kv_field d1) |
static _Bool | kmr_shuffle_compatible_p (KMR_KVS *s0, KMR_KVS *s1) |
signed long | kmr_stable_key (const struct kmr_kv_box kv, const KMR_KVS *kvs) |
void * | kmr_strdup (char *s) |
| STRDUP, but aborts on failure. More...
void | kmr_string_truncation (KMR *mr, size_t sz, char *s) |
| Modifies the string end with by "..." for indicating truncation, used on the result of snprintf. More...
char * | kmr_stringify_file_options (struct kmr_file_option o) |
| Returns a print string of a single option, to check the bits are properly encoded in foreign language interfaces. More...
char * | kmr_stringify_options (struct kmr_option o) |
| Returns a print string of a single option, to check the bits are properly encoded in foreign language interfaces. More...
char * | kmr_stringify_spawn_options (struct kmr_spawn_option o) |
| Returns a print string of a single option, to check the bits are properly encoded in foreign language interfaces. More...
long | kmr_strint_ff (char *p) |
char * | kmr_strptr_ff (char *s) |
| Returns itself; this is for Fortran-binding. More...
static long | kmr_tick () |
| Returns the clock counter value. More...
static enum kmr_kv_field | kmr_unit_sized_or_opaque (enum kmr_kv_field data) |
static _Bool | kmr_unit_sized_p (enum kmr_kv_field data) |
static enum kmr_kv_field | kmr_unit_sized_with_unmanaged (enum kmr_kv_field data) |
int | kmr_unpairing_fn (const struct kmr_kv_box kv, const KMR_KVS *kvs, KMR_KVS *kvo, void *p, const long i) |
static _Bool | kmr_value_pointer_p (KMR_KVS *kvs) |
void | kmr_warning (KMR *mr, unsigned int mask, char *m) |
double | kmr_wtime (void) |