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kmr_spawning Struct Reference

State of Spawner. More...

Public Attributes

struct kmr_kv_boxev
char * fn
enum kmr_spawn_mode mode
int n_processes
int n_runnings
int n_spawners
int n_spawns
int n_starteds
MPI_Request * replies
int spawn_limit
struct kmr_spawn_statespawned
int usize
char watch_host [MAXHOSTNAMELEN+10]
int watch_listener
int * watches

Detailed Description

State of Spawner.

REPLIES hold receive requests for spawned processes. WATCHES hold sockets used to detect the end of the spawned processes. N_STARTEDS is process count of started, and N_RUNNINGS is process count that have not finished.

Definition at line 426 of file kmrmapms.c.

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