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kmr_option Struct Reference

Options to Mapping, Shuffling, and Reduction. More...

#include <kmr.h>

Public Attributes

int __pad0__: 16
int __pad1__: 32
_Bool collapse: 1
_Bool inspect: 1
_Bool keep_open: 1
_Bool key_as_rank: 1
_Bool nothreading: 1
_Bool rank_zero: 1
_Bool take_ckpt: 1

Detailed Description

Options to Mapping, Shuffling, and Reduction.

Options must be the same on all ranks. NOTHREADING tells a mapper and a reducer to suppress threading on loops calling a map-function or a reduce-function. It should be set when a map-function or a reduce-function is multi-threaded itself. INSPECT tells a mapper that a map-function just inspects the entries, and does not consume the input key-value stream. KEEP_OPEN tells a mapper not to close the output key-value stream for further additions of key-value pairs. KEY_AS_RANK tells a shuffler to use a key as a rank. TAKE_CKPT tells kmr functions that support Checkpoint/Restart to take checkpoints of the output key-value stream when CKPT_SELECTIVE global option is enabled. RANK_ZERO tells kmr_replicate() to gather pairs on rank0 only. (COLLAPSE tells a mapper to convert pointer data to opaque. Conversions of data fields are needed in advance to exchanging data in shuffling. It is mainly intended internal use only). The padding fields make the option size as long, for the Fortran binding whose options are passed by intergers (SPARC-V9 compilers put bit-fields on arguments as 64 bits).

Definition at line 658 of file kmr.h.

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